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Cover and Interior Artwork

Below is a selection of cover artwork taken from various magazines that included stories by Basil Wells. In addition are several examples of the interior drawings that accompanied Wells' stories. Please note that all the images on this webpage are thumbnails.

supersciencestoriesseptember1940.jpg (59330 bytes)

Super Science Stories, September 1940. Includes Wells' first published story "Rebirth of Man".


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Cosmic Stories, March 1941. Includes the story "Biped".


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Cosmic Science Fiction, May 1941. Includes the story "New Moon".


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Stirring Science Stories, June 1941. Includes the story "Human Mice of Kordar".


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Astonishing Stories, September 1941. Includes the story "Factory in the Sky".


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Planet Stories, Winter 1941. Includes the story "Queen of the Blue World".


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Stirring Science Stories, March 1942. Includes the story "The Giant".


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An interior illustration by Hannes Bok that accompanied the story "The Giant" in Stirring Science Stories, March 1942.


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Another interior illustration by Hannes Bok that accompanied the story "The Giant" in Stirring Science Stories, March 1942.


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Future, April 1942. Includes the story "The Rebel Slug".


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Science Fiction Quarterly, Fall 1942. Includes the story "The Half-Man".


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Planet Stories, Fall 1942. Includes the story "Quest of Thig".


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Future, February 1943. Includes the story "The Swift People".


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Planet Stories, Spring 1944. Includes the story "Quest's End".


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Crack Detective Stories, July 1944. Includes the story "The Jinx".


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Planet Stories, Winter 1944. Includes the story "The Hairy Ones".


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Planet Stories, Spring 1946. Includes the story "Survival".


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Planet Stories, Winter 1946. Includes the story "Fog of the Forgotten".


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Planet Stories, Spring 1947. Includes the story "Scrambled World".


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Thrilling Western, May 1947. Includes the story "Salvage of the Grassy Sea".


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Planet Stories, Winter 1947. Includes the story "Among the Scented Ones".


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Fantasy Book, No. 2, 1947. Includes the story "Caverns of Ith".


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Fantasy Book, No. 4, 1948. Includes the stories "Prison Rats" (as by Gene Ellerman) and "Walls of Darkness". Cover art by Neil Austin.


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Planet Stories, Fall 1948. Includes the story "Valkyrie from the Void".


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Planet Stories, Spring 1949. Includes the story "Animat".


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Fantasy Book, No. 5, 1949. Includes the stories "Crusader" (as by Gene Ellerman) and "Empire of the Dust". Cover art by Jack Gaughan.


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Fantasy Book, No. 6, 1950. Includes the story "Power for Darm". Cover art by Jack Gaughan.


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Fantasy Book, No. 7, 1950. Includes the stories "Planet of New Men" and "The Twisted Men" (as by Gene Ellerman).


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Out of This World Adventures, December 1950. Includes the story "Under Martian Sands".


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Fantasy Book, No. 8, 1951. Includes the story "A Knight for Miss Merkins".


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Spaceway Science Fiction, April 1955. Includes the story "Ship of the Fog Seas". Cover art by Paul Blaisdell.


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Fast Action Detective and Mystery Stories, August 1957. Includes the story "Blackmail".


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Fantastic Universe, September 1957. Includes the story "Second Sight".


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Science Fiction Adventures, December 1957. Includes the story "Final Voyage".


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Spaceway Science Fiction, October 1969. Includes the story "Father Image".


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Expanse, Summer 1994. Includes the story "The Laws of Juss".


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An interior illustration by George Barr that accompanied the story "The Laws of Juss" in Expanse, Summer 1994.



Copyright © 2004 Richard Simms